Creates a new ingress mailbox and associates it with the account API key used.

An ingress mailbox is used to retrieve email and forward it to an application using an ingress delivery method.

Request Fields

These are passed in as arguments at the top level of the request.

Key Type Description
uid string
An identifier to refer to this mailbox on subsequent API calls.
Default: Generated UUID
label string
A descriptive name for this mailbox.
host string IMAP server hostname.
port integer
IMAP server port number.
Default: 993
username string Username/email-address used to authenticate with the IMAP server.
password string Password used to authenticate with the IMAP server.
tls boolean
Set to true to connect to IMAP server with TLS enabled.
Default: true
postback_url string The URL to post received email content to.

Request Example

  "api_key" : "__ACCOUNT_API__KEY__",
  "arguments": {
    "uid": "example-mailbox",
    "label": "Example Mailbox",
    "host": "",
    "username": "",
    "password": "*********",
    "postback_url": ""